Wednesday was the beginning of Lent, though I feel a little like I've already been in Lent for a few weeks now. I went to the evening service; lovely and meditative music there...and when it was time to get the ashes from Tuesday's palm-frond bonfire, it felt like the days when people wore sackcloth and ashes for mourning. Well...I am in mourning.
I am glad I went, though. It's a meaningful start to the official season of Lent. And it further underlines what a wonderful and supportive church family I have. Hugs, arm and hand squeezes...for that moment it happens, I don't feel so lonely.
Today is Valentine's Day. And I am grateful for the great love I have had...and continue to have. Wouldn't it be worse if I hadn't had this love in my life? This love that encompasses every fiber of my being...that has only grown since my great loss.
One of my favorite sites on the web these days is I looked up quotes about love. And found plenty that I'd heard, and plenty new ones. Here's one I'd heard:
What is love? It is the morning and the evening star. --Sinclair Lewis
Yep. And much more.
I'll talk about this in future posts, but thought I'd leave it there.
Today, I met with a financial advisor and got some wonderful advice. Lots to consider, but it made me feel better that I'm not in that bad of shape, financially.
After work, I met with the counselor at the county Veterans Affairs office to apply for John's burial benefit. I also learned that I have access to a few funds and a pension if my situation ever gets to a point where I'll need the assistance. Good to know.
Did you know that besides the letter from the President, you also get the medals your spouse earned? That got me thinking: I don't think we ever received Dad's medals. I'll have to check into that. Heard an interesting story from the counselor--seems that the parents of a Vietnam vet who had recently passed (the father is a veteran of WWII) learned--from looking at their son's discharge paperwork--that their son had been awarded the Medal of Honor. They knew nothing about this until they looked at the paperwork. I was then told that it's typical for veterans to not talk about their awards and medals. But wow...
Elvis and I are now at my brother's house and enjoying a very eclectic selection of music...Do you Love Me...Groovy Kind of Love...Barracuda...Who....Manic by Prince, Rolling Stones, Elvis Presley, Heart, Police, Beatles, lots of others. It's kinda of fun to let our hair out and listen to LOUD music.
Speaking of Groovy Kind of Love, that is my brother and sister-in-law's song.
John and I didn't have any one song. We had lots.
People asked me if Valentine's Day was difficult. It an extent. But John and I had a Valentine's Day that actually lasted for 14 months. No one day can capture that.
I think Valentine's Day is great. But I think that every day should be special. Because, you know, life is SHORT.
So...go ahead and have a Valentine's life with the ones you love.
1 comment:
Tammy, I am finally getting to the computer to reply to blog comments and noticed yours. I didn't realize you had a blog -- I'm glad I stumbled upon it and on this beautiful post.
I have thought about you often in the past weeks. As you know, I haven't been much myself and so I am very aware that John had in you the Valentine I had in Rick -- that unconditional love through the worst of circumstances. Your story always fills my heart with emotion. This is such a beautiful post. One day at a time, I think, is all any of us should ever really manage -- it makes it all the more important. Sending love.
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