Just some miscellaneous thoughts on this January evening....
We are on the edge of a winter storm. The officials have started naming these storms, just like they are hurricanes. This one, apparently, is Hera. Luckily (at least so far), we've dodged the ice. It's just been raining on and off today. But tonight it might change; I heard the temps may go down and we will get snow.
It's been a crazy late fall-early winter this year. I think I heard that December 2015 was the warmest one on record. I'm not surprised. There were many evenings I sat in short sleeves on the back porch steps while Elvis did his exploring. We really didn't get the real cold stuff yet, but it's coming as we head into the second week of January.
I'm keeping busy with studying for my Monday night class, but for the time-being, anyway, I'm not doing any music activities.
I'm taking a class through the University of the South (Sewanee) called "Education for Ministry." It's a four-year course for laypeople. It is connected to the Episcopal Church (I'm a member), but it is open for any interested in this study. So, every Monday night, for three hours, I meet with a group of wonderful people in various stages of this course. Two of us are first year students, and we are studying the Old Testament, or Hebrew Bible. Second year students are studying the New Testament, while the third year students are studying history. The "seniors" (fourth year) are studying theology. I'm really enjoying this class, and it's given me a chance to delve a little deeper into material I only barely touched upon in my years of attending various churches, as well as my own private study of the Bible.
Other than the class and a few other activities--a few tickets to shows at Wharton Center, for example--I'm pretty much keeping to myself, hanging out at the house with my faithful beagle.
January is a tough month, and always will be. So we gradually come toward the day that keeps going by, year by year. January 19.
But in this same timeframe, I have some cause for small celebration. I was hired at Michigan State University on January 15, 1992. One more year, and I'll be vested for retirement. There was a time that John and I talked about my retiring in 2017. Of course, that's not possible right now, but I like to think I would find something fun that will pay the bills at some point in the near future.
Not that I don't enjoy my work now. I really enjoy what I do. And I have a new supervisor, whom I really like and respect. That helps. So I'm not in a big hurry just yet, but it's kind of nice to know that date is coming. I do think I'm going to look for some other ways to earn extra money. I don't play a lot of violin these days because of a number of things--including sore joints, courtesy of osteoarthritis. So what I am looking for are chances to work from home: editing, writing, data entry. If any of you readers have any ideas, feel free to share them.
Speaking of music, a friend gave me a really nice electronic keyboard. It belonged to a mutual friend who was a a wonderful professional musician. It has been great fun playing it. I'm by no means a good keyboard player, but I still enjoy playing because it relaxes me.
I have had some issues these past few weeks with my health. Nothing worrisome, so don't gasp when you read this. I've been stressed out about some issues, and it caused me to have some slight chest aches on the side where you start thinking that it might be a good idea to go in and have someone check me out. I had blood tests, a electrocardiogram, and a CT scan. No heart attack. No blood clot (the reason for the CT scan). Just stress. And because of the stress, the sugar went higher than usual.
A week or so later, I started coughing a lot (as the weather started turning). That ended up being bronchitis. It's no fun by itself. But when you have CVA (cough variant asthma), it's worse. But I seem to have turned a corner and am not coughing nearly as much. Keeping up on my meds (including one asthma med and allergy meds), and I think that's helping.
I've had a couple of doctor appointments beyond the stuff mentioned above: One to start working on the sugar aspect. I'm a diabetic, but my organs seem to be working fine, so no meds just yet for the diabetes. Working on the food and exercise aspects. Since that appointment, I've been trying to take walks when I can--with Elvis is best, but even at work I try to do some walking now. Gradually will work it up. I've had a sore back the last week or so, and I think that's connect to the exercise. That's feeling better tonight. The other doctor appointment was my every-6-month checkup with my ear specialist. With Meniere's disease, it's good to have specialists in the field, because many doctors don't know much about this condition. Anyway, things went fine at that appointment; still have the vertigo set off from time to time but I do what I can do to control what I can control. Right now, I have really bad tinnitus, something else that comes with this "fun" disease. If you want to know what it's like, I think Kristin Chenoweth says it best in her autobiography. I had a chance to meet her recently when she came to town and she's amazing. Anyway, the doctor put me on a 1-week dose of steroids to see if it will quiet things down for me. If it works, fine, and if it doesn't, I'm supposed to go back to Farmington Hills and he'll figure something else out, I guess. Not a whole lot we can do about the things out of our control, but maybe we can figure some of this out.
Tonight, as I type this, Elvis is buried under the covers right next to me as the cool rain falls (another reason for achy joints) outside. On the television is "Yankee Doodle Dandy," one of my all-time favorite movies.
That's about all for this post. I'll be back...
Love and peace and blessings,