Monday, July 20, 2015

Beagle adventures: If you roll, you pay the consequences, bubba!

Elvis is back to his fun-loving self after spending a couple of weeks favoring his rear right paw. Turns out he had cut his paw at some point, and a foreign object got in and started infecting, causing some pain for this usually-stoic breed dog. I could tell he was feeling MUCH better on Saturday, when--even in the extreme heat of the day--he did his spinning and zooming around the yard, something he does when he's completely happy to be outside and with his Mama. 

The other thing he likes to do: rolling in the grass. Normally, he finds a scent that he likes and rolls on it...and usually, it's nothing that I notice. That all changed tonight after I got home. He rolled in something particularly smelly, and there were remnants of whatever it was all over his fur. 

While John was alive, we did the dog baths as a team. And tonight, I realized why I'd stopped bathing my beagle after John's passing. It's nearly impossible! Normally, I wait for good specials at one of the local places and have someone else bath him. It's worth the money. But I am too far away from payday and didn't want to spend the money and for SURE didn't want him in my car. Eww. 

So...the bathroom looked like a tornado had hit it by the time we were done (as did the bed from his rolling on the bed!), but he's clean! I hauled him into the shower, closed the door, and started the process. He didn't make a noise until toward the end but clearly was not happy with his predicament. He even stood on his rear paws and tried to open the shower door with his front paws. He probably figured "I can open that gate at daycare, this door should be easy!" He didn't succeed, and though it took forever, I was able to get him nice and clean. The picture above shows him still wet, as he managed to escape the towel and used the bed instead. 

He wasn't happy with me, and may never enter that room again with his own free will (or at least until he forgets about the bath), but I think he smells great and is very handsome tonight.

What do you think?


Unknown said...

So very handsome! And fresh smelling, too!

BeagleMusic said...

Thanks, Laurie! I think the handsomeness sometimes saves him...