I've had an interesting few days; most of them filled with adventures in vertigo. So, I've made that appointment with the Michigan Ear Institute in Farmington Hills, MI and will head there in a couple weeks. In the meantime, a friend has introduced me to something called Sea Bands: a pair of sweat-band like bracelets, only smaller and tighter that have a plastic bead that applies pressure to a spot on your inner arm. Accupressure. No meds. Normally, they are for travel sickness, nausea, etc. But they actually work pretty well for vertigo. Without meds! You see, I do have some anti-vert for vertigo, and it works pretty well...but it puts me asleep (and caffeine exacerbates the vertigo) so I can't use it and function properly during the day.
Now, it could be that I am done with this flare-up. And then again, I think these bands work. Yay! Not a very fancy fashion statement, but...yay!
So, I mentioned (I think) that John wanted me to have some jewelry in honor of our anniversary last September. He couldn't get out to pick it out by then, and I said I didn't need anything. He kept bringing it up and insisting. So, around Christmas, I was wondering around Sears and saw a pretty ruby (created) ring on sale in a tear-drop shape. So, I got that, had it fitted, and showed it to John. He said, "Wow! I would have picked something just like that!" So, in a very real sense, he picked that ring out for me.
Fast forward to a couple weeks ago, when I looked at the ring and the ruby was gone. I had paid for a lifetime service rider, which guaranteed I could get the ring fixed. Well, guess what? The ring arrived today. And the lady told me that the company wouldn't replace the ruby because it was "worth over 75% of the ring value." EXCUSE me? Okay, I've entered a new phase of my life--well, it's already been there for a long time, but it's more present, I guess, these days. I went to Sears this afternoon and actually got another person who was in the midst of transferring to the tool department (a promotion! And the best part of any Sears store, I believe). She helped me and said that the manager who handled my situation valued the ring at only $60. I paid over twice that. She looked up my receipt and said, "Oh yes. You DID. I'll send it back. I don't know why she'd value it at the clearance price. " I paid more than $60, so I don't know what that was about, but anyway...I was going to have to pick out another ring, according to the manager, who was the one I talked to on the phone today. I don't WANT another ring. I want THAT one. And thanks to another woman understanding my situation and because of her great customer service (something that doesn't always happen in Sears but has happened to me more than not the past couple of years), I will have THAT ring in two weeks.
Speaking of Sears, I was there yesterday, too. This time to get a new lawn mower. And while I was there, I ran into the nurse that was John's clinical trial manager. We had a nice conversation in the mower section. She was looking for spark plugs for her mower and we had a good hug and I passed on again my appreciation for the folks at the Sparrow Cancer Center.
Back to the mower: It was a nice day yesterday, and I wanted to tackle the lawn before the next batch of rain. I finally dragged the lawn mower out of there and instantly got mad at John for not letting me mow. Not ONCE in our 18 plus years together did he allow me to mow. "That's my job," he'd say. That's wonderful, but that also means I haven't maintained a mower in over 20 years, now. I tinkered, asked a couple neighbors, ended up dragging it to the gas station a couple blocks away. Adding gas, oil, playing with it, we realized it was toast. Between the not-starting and all the piecemealing John did to keep things together on the mower, it was unusable. I don't blame him at all. It worked when he used it. Two summers ago.
I'm not feeling bad about having to replace the mower, because I'm pretty sure we didn't even pay $100 for it when we bought it in the late 1990s. It was the cheapest model Sears sold, and we got good use out of it. So off to Sears I went, feeling bad that I still hadn't gotten the lawn done.
The backyard of our house is tricky for mower entry and I never fully understood how hard it was for John until I learned how very difficult it is to get in there. So, my goal was to get a mower that was either light enough for me to lift or slender enough to slip into the gated backyard between the gate and the wooden steps.
I considered the different models on the floor, and figured the electric ones were going to be best, but there was one problem. It's an old house, and the only outside plug is in the garage, and I could see myself, in all my graceful klutziness, running over the cords. And that's when I saw the the model I would buy: a reel mower. And this is the one I ordered:
I paid less than the price online, too! Pretty fancy, considering it runs under Tamara-power. The power mower (which they'll pick up and take care of for me when they deliver the new one) didn't have a bag to catch clippings like this one! Oh, and don't worry, those of you that haven't been to my house before: The lawn is small...postage-stamp size small. I think it'll be great; it's lighter than the first reel one we had when we bought the house from my brother, so I'll be able to maneuver it into the backyard. It'll also be great exercise and be easy to push most of the time. So, instead of calling it a mower, I'm calling it my outdoor exercise machine. Elvis can even be in the backyard with me while I'm mowing! Cool! Anyway, it comes on Thursday, and in the meantime, I may have to borrow someone else's mower if the weather dries up again so that the city won't ticket me.
Speaking of the city and tickets, the Saturn--which I named Barney for reasons that will become obvious when you see the photos--is officially history. I now have the driveway--if not the inside of the garage yet--to myself again and the Matrix (unnamed, as of now) can park near the garage, at least. The Saturn, which still had a good body from sitting in the garage all those years, now belongs to Volunteers of America and will make someone a good car once they find the inside parts (engine and other things were toast...sensing a theme, here?).
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Barney |
Old wooden garage doors are incredibly heavy. John would lift it and lodge something under it to get the mower; I worried every time but it's a good thing I didn't realize just how heavy that door was, or I'd be terrified. But that's how he'd get in to get the mower. That mower that he'd never let me use because he felt he should be mowing.
Now go with me 13 years later. John gets sick. Neither of us can open the garage door. Many wonderful people help us keep the yard in shape. I am forever thankful for that, by the way. And 14 months later, John dies. I am heartbroken.
Gradually, I start realizing just how much he did around here. I fixed some things around the house, but John did a lot of other things that I guess I took for granted.
During one of those work sessions, my cousin replaced the garage door and pulled the Saturn out on the driveway. This was in around September. It sat, and naturally, about a month ago, I got a notice to move it.
And on Thursday evening, Barney left to belong to Volunteers of America.
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A very large tow truck came to pick up Barney because all the tires were either flat or nearly so. |
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The car is towed up on to the truck. |
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Barney is nearly ready to go! |
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All set! Thanks, guys, for providing entertainment for the neighborhood. Lots of people on their porches. |
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And off he goes! |
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Bye, Barney! |
I felt very sad about him going, but I'm not sure why. But there you go.
So, I've been pretty busy these days, as you can see.
Oh, and did I tell you I recently replaced the deadlock on the back door?
Girl power.
Now, I'll leave you with a little Elvis funny picture. The squirrels taunt him. John and I always kinda felt sorry for Elvis in these instances. Here's a scene from a couple days ago:
Enough for now. More later, and perhaps some photos from my recent Lake Michigan adventure.
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