Wednesday, September 25, 2013

miscellaneous thoughts in early autumn

Harvest Moon.
Apologies for not writing in awhile.

First of all, I have to say I am really enjoying my trike. Accumulated distance since I started riding: 64.5  miles. Most of that has been accomplished on Lansing's River Trail.

A sculpture and the old Board of Water and Light building (now the world headquarters for the Accident Fund) along the River Trail.

I've been on almost every part of it thus far except for about a quarter mile on the northern end and the route from Potter Park to East Lansing. But I plan on hitting that last bit in the next day or so. One of the best things about this new adventure is that the arthritis in my knee isn't bothering me any more. 

Really, this isn't a new adventure, really. I spent a lot of time riding my bike in my youth, during college, and then for about four or five years in the late 1980s--early 1990s. My old Schwinn Collegiate is still sitting in the garage--the one I was given for Christmas in 1967. 

And really, I have been on that Potter Park-to-MSU route--just not recently. 

I've started singing again in one of the choirs here in town. And it's very healing. We're singing some very lovely music--some I've sung before, and some new and lovely works. 

Elvis keeps working to cheer me up. He's a never-ending source of amusement; every time I take him outside, he checks the perimeter of the yard to make sure it's safe. Then, he sits in one of the lawn chairs...and watches for critters. 

Who goes there?
There's a squirrel that taunts him every day. Yesterday, this squirrel was really driving Elvis crazy. Thankfully, the squirrel runs fast...but one of these days...

Catch me if you can!
That squirrel drives me crazy!

Well, that's about it right now...I have a lot of things to be thankful's just that the nights are so lonely--though a pair of nice soft beagle ears does help.

More soon.


Monday, September 2, 2013

September 3, 1994-January 19, 2013

Engagement 1994, taken summer before our wedding on September 3, 1994.

Nineteen years ago today, I married my best friend and love of my life. This is the first anniversary since John's passing. And it's going to really tough, if this evening is any indication. The above photo was taken to commemorate our engagement. We were engaged April 1, 1994, the day after our younger nephew was born, and it took place at the boarding gate at the airport in Lansing. This photo was taken in the summer after that.

The picture that follows was the last picture taken of the two of us--my cell phone January 13, 2013, 6 days before John died. 

I love you, sweetheart, and miss you every single day. I'm so glad we married. September 3, 1994--January 19, 2013 was not long enough. 

Last photo together, taken 6 days before John died.

Taken at the hospital November 18, 2011. Hospital staff gave me John's ring, and I put it on my finger for safekeeping. Because of the steroids he was on, it pretty much stayed on my finger from that day forward. It's still there today.
A rose for John as we rode to Ft Custer in January 2013. John's flag below my hand and the rose.